We Sell Government Contracting Businesses
Prime Investments has more than 30 years' experience helping Washington, DC area government contracting firm owners reach their personal and financial goals by selling their businesses. Headquartered just north of DC in nearby Potomac, MD, our greater Washington-DC service area includes thousands of government contracting entities.
Prime's extensive nation-wide buyer base includes entrepreneurial individuals, companies in acquisition mode and private equity firms - all of whom want to enter the lucrative government contracting market or expand the government business they already have.
We Understand Your Business
Whether its putting together contract waterfalls, explaining SATOCs, MATOCs, IDIQs, RFPs, sole-source contracts, GWACs, etc. to lenders and buyers, or helping gain contract novation approval from your Contracting Officer, your Prime Advisor understands your business and the government contracting environment. He will help you sell your government contracting business to the strongest buyer at the highest possible price, help you choose the best professionals for the deal team and guide your sale to a successful conclusion.
We Don’t Get Paid Until You Do
Prime Investments believes that by aligning our interests with you, the client, we can build a process based on shared goals and trust. Unlike other advisors, we charge no up-front fees or retainers, no appraisal fees and, in fact, no fees of any kind until and unless we sell your business. Our “Success Fee” is based entirely on the price your business actually sells for; our only motivation is the same as yours - to sell your government contracting business to the strongest buyer at the highest possible price.
Prime's Security System
Prime Investments provides a secure sales process for each of our clients. All contact with potential buyers is conducted through your Prime Advisor, shielding you from any direct interactions. We use only private mobile numbers and e-mail addresses to ensure the sale of your business remains confidential. Buyer meetings are virtual or held off-site. We thoroughly screen each prospective buyer, and obtain strict nondisclosure agreements before providing any information about your business. Our attention to confidentiality allows our clients to sell their businesses without employees or competitors learning of the sale before it is completed.
Sell Your Government Contracting Business with Confidence
Whether your company provides IT services, program support, logistical management, or even classified work, with Prime Investments on your side as your government contracting business broker, you will embark on a proven process to confidentially sell your business, without risk, to the best buyer at the highest price. Contact your Prime Advisor today to learn more.